1967 John Joseph Bentfeld from Youngstown, OH born on 01/09/1944 holding the rank of PFC in the Army is listed as Causality number 9062 ? 1967 John Anthony Dabonka from West New York, NJ born on 04/19/1946 holding the rank of PFC in ...
The Equitable Gas Company, owner of the tank housed many of the homeless in its Manchester administrative buildings, in bhotels/b and in apartment houses. Police and fire stations were thrown open to others left destitute. Many found refuge in homes b.../b GEORGE bBENTFELD/b, 24, Enon Valley Structural Steel worker. FRANK BISHOP, 45, tank repairer. MARY CONGELIER, 28, Pittsburgh. JOSEPH HARRIS, 23, negro. JOHN A. McCALL, gas company employe. CHARLES S. MICHAELS, 45, Pittsburgh. b.../b